Jesus Club - Gen Z

Theo is a Garden pastor and a part-time Maths teacher at City Academy Norwich (CAN). He shares this amazing story:

“I have been seeing God do some incredible things at CAN. There are some truly hungry students who are only just beginning to hear about Jesus. I had been running an after school ‘Jesus Club’ for a couple of months seeing a group of 6 students seek after God (on the most part, these are some of the hardest students in the school). Recently I had a large number of students (all on seperate occasions) approach me wanting to learn during school time. I started lunchtime ‘Jesus Club’ a few weeks ago and had 25 students the first week and 30 the second! There is a real mix of believers and non believers and students of other faiths and some who are very anti! I have been sharing the gospel, answering BIG questions that the students have and have been able to give out lots of bibles and copies of John’s gospel thanks to Garden generosity. There is so much hunger! A group of year 10 girls come to the classroom asking incredible questions every day and two have asked to follow Jesus. There are now around 10 students coming who are totally new to faith and hungry to learn more! Praise God.

David Lloyd