The values and practices are built on one simple question: What Does God Want?
If we do what we really believe God wants and no one else wants it, or follows it then this is still “success”. ‘What Does God Want?’ is answered through our best reading of Scripture and through prayer. Our values are easy to remember because they are D L E S S which reminds us to do less and trust God more..
We meet because we love and need Jesus the Bread of Life. There are many good and exciting reasons people gather and ‘come to church’ but in Acts 2.42 we read: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer….” We long to not lose the heart of worship and so this value helps us to remain rooted in devotion and obedience. It may not sound very fashionable today but it is key to unlocking growth in Christian disciples and fresh fruit!
The pictures of the church in Scripture are of a loving family: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Bride and bridegroom; a body; living stones. We want to be a family deeply in love with one another and so beautiful in the world. We believe by faith that the way we are together will be a witness to the world. We want to be a community FAMOUS FOR LOVE. John 13.34“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
We are being transformed from glory into glory. We are not in a waiting room, we are not coasting either. Deep relationships and deep learning. We are committed to living out Ephesians 4, developing and using our gifts and coaching one another into fullness of faith. We need to keep on going until we all work properly together and grow to maturity. We are each given a gift for the common good and we need to share it.
The church is the vehicle for bringing salvation - we want to encourage one another to share the gospel weekly and to show Jesus to everyone. Mission is at our core and in our DNA. We are expectant as we go about our daily lives. We want the gospel to be on our tongue. We are looking to see who God is calling. We are all ambassadors for Christ. We walk in the power and we are grounded in the word. We will utilise whatever tools are best for our local context for evangelism.
This is a tricky one in our context today but we acknowledge that Jesus did not live an easy life. He was rejected, ridiculed, beaten. He didn’t promise health or wealth but he did say that as his disciples we are to expect suffering. We therefore are committed to persevering with one another and becoming people who “overcome” (1 John 5.5). We will even try to rejoice in the face of suffering for Christ! (1 Peter 4.13)