Beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Day we have “Holy Week” - the last week of Jesus human life. Many will readily remember some key events such as Jesus entrance into Jerusalem riding a donkey, the Last Supper, Jesus’ Crucifixion and His Resurrection. Yet so much more happens and we don’t always fully appreciate all that occurred during this week. Each day of Holy Week will look at what was going on and select just one simple thought on which to reflect.
DAY FIVE - Thursday
Todays scripture reading (WAC Bible Reading Plan) Mark 14:12–72; John 13:1–18:27
The events.
Best known as the day that Jesus introduced the eucharist or last supper but there was significantly more that occurred. The farewell discourse contained in John’s Gospel suggests there was considerable discussion over the passover supper.
# Jesus makes elaborate preparations to share the passover meal with his disciples
# Jesus washes the disciples feet
# Jesus gives a new command (John13:34-35) # Jesus institutes the last supper
# There are four chapters in John’s Gospel referred to as the “Farewell Discourse” which include teaching on the Holy Spirit, Jesus as the Vine and Jesus prayer for his disciples and all of us that come after and believe in Him.
# Jesus asks disciples to acquire swords - two is enough.
# Jesus prays on Mount of Olives and his disciples fall asleep. #Jesus is arrested including the incident with the sword
# The initial trial before the High Council
# One disciple betrays Jesus, another disciple disowns Him and the others abandon Him
Wednesday ends with Judas looking for an opportunity to handover Jesus to the religious leaders when no crowd is present. Thursday evening they will be gathering for the passover meal. Jesus didn’t want Judas betraying the location and interrupting the passover meal and so he makes elaborate preparations to avoid Judas knowing the destination in advance. Jesus has this special time with his disciples full of teaching and imagery.
Let’s reflect upon Jesus request to the disciples to acquire swords and then what happens when those swords are taken into the garden where Jesus is arrested.
“But now,” he [Jesus] said, “take your money and a traveler’s bag. And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one! For the time has come for this prophecy about me to be fulfilled: ‘He was counted among the rebels.’] Yes, everything written about me by the prophets will come true.” “Look, Lord,” they replied, “we have two swords among us.”“That’s enough,” he said.
Never before has Jesus suggested his disciples should have swords and he points out to them that this is contrary to their normal “modus operandi”. He makes it clear that he is not changing their strategy and they are not now becoming an armed, militant resistance to Rome. He wants the swords solely to fulfil prophecy.
Chapter 53 of the prophet Isaiah contains some well known scripture passages about the crucifixion. Jesus being pierced for our transgressions, being led like a lamb to the slaughter. At the end of this chapter Isaiah records that Jesus will will be counted among the rebels. This is the prophecy to which Jesus is referring.
Jesus requires the swords to give an excuse for others to count him as a rebel. If he had truly changed his approach and was now going to fight then it doesn’t make sense for him to say “two is enough”. The swords were symbolic to make a point. This becomes evident when later as Jesus is arrested in the garden his disciples, realising what is about to happen ask “shall we fight?”. Without waiting for Jesus’ answer one of them removes the ear of a servant of the High Priest. Immediately Jesus makes it clear this was not his intention. No more of this he proclaims and then heals the man’s ear.
To drive his point home Jesus says to those sent to arrest him “Am I really a dangerous revolutionary, meaning you need to bring weapons to arrest me?” Answer no. He has been in the temple every day so they could easily have arrested him there. But no this evil thing had to be done in secret, covered by darkness and accompanied with force.
To his disciples Jesus explained that those who use the sword will die by the sword. The way of violence ends in violence. If he wanted protection he could ask his Heavenly Father to send angels and he would send them. Jesus is freely giving himself over in order that scripture is fulfilled.
Then a most sad thing happens. Whilst the disciples were prepared to fight for Jesus, as soon as they realised that he was refusing to fight they deserted him. Even after all the time and teaching they had with their Rabbi,Jesus, they remained confused by the suffering servant. The cultural expectation of a warrior messiah still filled their imagination.
There are many ways that we can put our expectations upon Jesus. Do we make Jesus in our image? Do we create a Jesus who
agrees with the way we see the world? Where in our lives do we need to lay aside our way and listen to discover Jesus’ way?
Jesus we know that we sometimes misunderstand you and impulsively rush ahead and do what we think is right. We know that we sometimes create you in our image rather than letting you shape us into your image. We pray that you will guide us in your ways and may your Holy Spirit give us the discernment to know and follow your ways.