The Desert Garden

Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons (c.140-200) is thought to have shared the earliest recorded reference to Church Planting  when he said: 

“The Church is planted like the Garden of Eden in this world”   

(Stefan Paas - Church Planting in there Secular West:  Learning from the European Experience).

In such a green county as Norfolk, the idea of planting a garden seems fairly straight forwards. Nature overflows at every opportunity with bushes, hedgerows, self-seeding trees and wild flowers all running wild along the side of the road. 

In Morocco last week (half term) I saw a very different land.  Vast patches of dry desert and rocky waste land with just one or two palm trees growing up out of the dust.  Behind the walls of the Riad guest houses (‘Riad’ is Arabic for ‘Garden’) there were carefully cultivated gardens, rich colours, flowers, fruit trees, herby aromas, dense greenery and an array of bird song and a lot of happy tourists. Outside the walls there was desert. Inside the walls, paradise!

Stefan Paas says:  

“Planting Churches in Secular Europe is like laying out a garden in hard soil and an arid climate.”  

Paas says that there are two approaches to planting in the secular West:  “The first option is to keep adding tons of water and fertiliser.  In this way, oil sheiks grow exuberant parks in deserts.  The possibilities are virtually limitless.”   With enough resources spectacular things are possible.  

There is another way however.  It is far more difficult and far less spectacular. 

He says: “Planting a garden where the climate is bad or where the soil has been exhausted by generations of farmers takes a lot of skill and effort.  Above all you must know the situation; you must have knowledge about the climate, and the history of cultivation; you must have expertise and persistence.  You might want to do research to find out if there are ancient natural irrigation systems.  And of course you must know everything about the local vegetation because you want to grow something that belongs here, not something that may look wonderful but can only flourish because you keep it under intensive care.  Eventually, you may have a garden that is sustainable.”

Both methods are important.  Both play their part.   Beautifully cultivated Riads, with effective irrigation systems,  teams of gardeners and a budget to match can produce incredible havens for all sorts of life. 

But what about the sustainable desert garden?  The desert plants offer a different kind of beauty.  Perhaps in our current climate it is time to rediscover these drought hardy wonders? These mini oasis in a landscape that so desperately needs them. Watering holes for those outside the city walls. We are excited about encouraging everyone on this exploration in cultivation!

David Lloyd