Beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Day we have “Holy Week” - the last week of Jesus human life. Many will readily remember some key events such as Jesus entrance into Jerusalem riding a donkey, the Last Supper, Jesus’ Crucifixion and His Resurrection. Yet so much more happens and we don’t always fully appreciate all that occurred during this week. Each day of Holy Week will look at what was going on and select just one simple thought on which to reflect.
DAY ONE - Palm Sunday
Today’s scripture reading (WAC Bible Reading Plan) Matthew 21:1–11; Mark 11:1–11; Luke 19:28–44; John 12:9–19
The events.
Knowing what lies ahead of him Jesus makes the journey into Jerusalem. A donkey is selected to carry him and he enters from the east (maybe through the sheep gate). The crowds come out to meet him, crying hosanna, waving palm leaves and laying down their coats.
This was a sensitive week in Jerusalem, the week of the Passover festival. Passover commemorated Israel’s liberation from foreign oppression in Egypt. Presently it was a painful reminder that Israel was again under foreign oppression this time from Rome. Because of this Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, would also have made an entrance into Jerusalem. He was astride a war horse and accompanied by soldiers. Crowds also went out to meet him. His purpose was to keep the peace as just a few years earlier trouble erupted when a group of Jews sought to overthrow the Roman rule.
While the crowds celebrate, Jesus weeps. But why? On Palm Sunday many people may attend church and sing songs proclaiming “hosanna to the coming king”. They’ll celebrate just like the crowds and leave with a palm leaf. A reminder of this triumphal entrance. Not many of us will ask ourselves how did Jesus react to this triumphal welcome. Luke tells us “But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead he began to weep. [Jesus said]“How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way of peace…..” He wept because the people did not understand the way of peace. Their welcome was full of symbolism that made it more like a political rally than welcoming the Prince of Peace. The people were seeking a messiah who was a warrior king who would overcome the Romans by force. They had not understood Jesus’ way of peace. The cry “hosanna” is often thought to be similar to hallelujah but it’s a cry for help “save us now” “deliver us we plead” The palm leaf was not like a giant foam hand you might see being waved at a football match but was a symbol of insurrection from the Maccabean revolt (67BC). A symbol of Israel’s quest for independence and support for direct action. The spreading of coats before Jesus was proclaiming Jesus as the new King of Israel who was coming to “kick butt”. Jesus wept because the crowds welcomed him as a warrior and did not understand he came as the sacrificial lamb, as the prince of peace.
Jesus we welcome you into our lives as Prince of Peace and sacrificial lamb. We repent of times when like the crowd we have fashioned you to fit our own agenda. We repent of those times you have wept over us because we have not understood your way of peace. Help us we pray to understand your way. Give us the strength and courage to live in peace with all.