Beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Day we have “Holy Week” - the last week of Jesus human life. Many will readily remember some key events such as Jesus entrance into Jerusalem riding a donkey, the Last Supper, Jesus’ Crucifixion and His Resurrection. Yet so much more happens and we don’t always fully appreciate all that occurred during this week. Each day of Holy Week will look at what was going on and select just one simple thought on which to reflect.
DAY TWO - Monday
Today’s scripture reading (WAC Bible Reading Plan) Matthew 21:12–22; Mark 11:12–19; Luke 19:45–48
The Events
On Monday Jesus returns to the temple and disrupts business by overturning the tables of those exchanging currency and selling doves, and by driving out the sheep and goats being sold there.
Every day, he taught at the temple and the blind and the lame came to him and he healed them. Children flocked to him crying “Hosanna to the son of David” This upset the chief priests and teachers of the law who became indignant with Jesus. He responds quoting from Psalm 8
“‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’”
At the end of the day Jesus leaves Jerusalem and returns to Bethany overnight, as was his practice throughout the week. On his way he curses a fig tree.
The events of Monday are often betrayed as contradictory to those of the previous day. Suddenly the peace loving Jesus turns angry, losses self control and takes a whip to drive out the money exchangers and traders. A different side to Jesus!
Several pieces of ancient artwork portraying Jesus with a whip driving out people from the Temple are not helpful. (see example above) It is important that we get our understanding from what scripture says and not from the misinterpretation of artists who have sadly influenced many.
This passage is one used by those who wish to promote violence in the name of Jesus, such as the US gun lobby. Simplified, a whip is a weapon, therefore Jesus uses weapons, therefore guns are OK.
If we look at scripture and not popular characterisation, Mark tells us that Jesus had been into the Temple the previous day. He carried out reconnaissance. What he saw was wrong and needed to be challenged. When he returned the next day it was not to be shocked and loose self control but to carry out a purposeful, deliberate and calculated act to make this point.
Three of the four gospels have Jesus turning over the tables of the money exchangers and sending out the tradesmen. Only John mentions the whip. Did Jesus act violently? Did he whip people? Is this justification for us acting violently? John says that Jesus made the whip from material in the temple. Most likely the rushes and reeds which formed the bedding of the animals. He did not take an instrument of torture made by a craftsperson into the temple with him. Rather he made the kind of primitive whip which would be used to beat the floor to “Shoo” the animals out of the temple. The sellers would follow their animals. There was no need to whip the people. The scripture translates as Jesus whipped them all both sheep and the oxen. Not people.
Reflect upon how our actions towards the injustice we see today can be caring but also assertive, non violent but not passive or shying away from trouble. Jesus way of peace requires great courage and strength.
We haven’t touched on the nature of the injustice and why Jesus took this action maybe this is something you’d like to explore yourself.
Jesus we thank you for your example of confronting injustice without using violence. We ask that by your Holy Spirit you will give us wisdom to see how we might follow your example in tackling the injustices we encounter today.