Beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Day we have “Holy Week” - the last week of Jesus human life. Many will readily remember some key events such as Jesus entrance into Jerusalem riding a donkey, the Last Supper, Jesus’ Crucifixion and His Resurrection. Yet so much more happens and we don’t always fully appreciate all that occurred during this week. Each day of Holy Week will look at what was going on and select just one simple thought on which to reflect.

DAY SEVEN- Saturday

Today’s scripture reading (WAC Bible Reading Plan) Matthew 27:62–66

The events.

# Saturday was the Sabbath and consequently not much happened in Jerusalem.

# The Chief Priests and Pharisees petitioned Pilate to put a guard in place at the tomb.

# The women were waiting to return to the tomb to complete Jesus burial by anointing His body with spices and perfumes. There hadn’t been time to do this on Friday before the Sabbath commenced.

# We can deduce that the followers of Jesus gathered together and hid in fear as this is how they were found to be the next day.

# Jesus descended to the underworld where his apparent defeat began to turn into victory


How would the disciples be coming to terms with what had just happened? Despite what Jesus has explained to them they now see him as yet another ‘would be messiah’ promising much but who in the end was defeated. There had been a number of persons in recent years claiming to be the promised Messiah but who had then been crushed by the Romans. The disciples had thought Jesus was the “real deal” but now it didn’t seem so.

As Christian author and former Bishop of Durham, N T Wright puts it “ Nothing had changed. Another young leader had been brutally liquidated …. Caesar was on his throne. Death, as usual, had the last word”

Saturday must have dragged by. Being the Sabbath they couldn’t go anywhere. They were locked together with their thoughts and disappointments. Their hopes dashed. Fear that the next day the Roman soldiers would be sent for them and they would face the same fate as Jesus.

But what was Jesus doing on Saturday? Jesus body was in the tomb where he had been laid. There was no doubt that he was fully dead but he was not idle! The Apostles Creed is a statement of belief developed by the early church. It is an expression of the orthodox teaching of the Apostles. It is often said as part of the liturgy of church services. It says that after his crucifixion and burial Jesus descended to the dead.

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried;

he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven,

he is seated at the right hand of the Father,

and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.


What does it mean that Jesus descended to the dead? You might hear some say Jesus descended into hell. I think it fair to say we don’t fully understand what this means and what Jesus does.( I certainly don’t) These are the scriptural texts from which I piece together some thoughts. [1Peter3:18-19, 4:6, Ephesians 4:8-10, Matthew 12:40, Acts

2:27, Revelations 1:18, Psalm 68:18]

The place Jesus descends to is “Hades” often translated as hell. Don’t think of Dante’s inferno, the fires of Gehenna. Hades here is the Greek word to refer to what the Hebrews called Sheol. Sheol was the place where the dead went, both the righteous and others. There they stayed. Jewish belief on what happened beyond death was varied and didn’t appear to occupy much of their consideration.

Just like any other human Jesus’ body was in the grave but his soul went to Sheol. To be clear this was NOT Jesus going to hell/Gehenna for the punishment of sins. No, this was a continuation of his victory over sin and death. Jesus may have arrived in Sheol like any other human but here he continued his mission of the release of captives, freedom for oppressed and declaring the good news. Remember those in Sheol died before Jesus’ birth. It appears that he taught the Old Testament heroes about his work of grace and the hope for their future in the final resurrection of the dead. We may not understand how Jesus accomplished this but death no longer holds any fear for us. He describes the place where we will now rest awaiting His return and our resurrection as “Paradise”

Whilst the Saturday of Holy Week is often not given much attention. A bit of a “none event day”, nothing is further from the truth. Saturday is a message of great reassurance and comfort for us all. It simply tells us when our expectations and plans lie in tatters, God seems to have abandoned us and we feel like giving up then Jesus is invisibly at work in ways we don’t fully understand. He is replacing hopelessness with hope and joy will come in the morning. Be encouraged.

Jesus we thank you for the reassurance that you never leave us or forsake us, even when our circumstances suggest otherwise. When we face times of despair help us to remember Holy Saturday. To remember all you accomplished that day and that we need never lose hope in You for our future.


Terry Huggins