Beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Day we have “Holy Week” - the last week of Jesus human life. Many will readily remember some key events such as Jesus entrance into Jerusalem riding a donkey, the Last Supper, Jesus’ Crucifixion and His Resurrection. Yet so much more happens and we don’t always fully appreciate all that occurred during this week. Each day of Holy Week will look at what was going on and select just one simple thought on which to reflect.
DAY EIGHT- Easter Sunday
Todays scripture reading (WAC Bible Reading Plan) Matthew 28:1–20; Mark 16:1–8; Luke 24:1–53; John 20:1–21:25
The events.
# Early morning the women visit the tomb to anoint the body with burial spices.
# An angel opens the grave, rolling aside the stone, and the guards shake with fear (Matt) or the stone was already missing (Mk, Lk & Jn))
# An angel tells the women “He isn’t here. He is risen from the dead
# Mary mistakes the risen Jesus for the gardener
# The women rush to tell the disciples and encounter Jesus on the way
# Initially there was doubt. Peter ran to the grave to check it out. ( John says he went too)
# Guards tell the priests what has happened. The guards were bribed not to tell the truth.
# Jesus appears to the disciples who are still hiding away behind locked doors.
# The eleven disciples go to Galilee where they meet with Jesus who commissions them to go and make disciples of all the nations.
# Two of Jesus followers are leaving Jerusalem and heading for Emmaus. They encounter Jesus and return to tell the disciples who by this time are saying “The Lord has really risen!”
Assuming that you have just read the WAC Bible Readings for today (see above) you’ll be struck by how they each have a slightly different recollection of what happened. Don’t be concerned by this, it is very natural for witnesses to give different accounts of the same event. It validates their authenticity and confirms a significant event took place over which they all agree.
Let’s reflect upon John’s account of Jesus appearing to the disciples who were huddled together behind locked doors. Ask yourself what you would have said to the disciples? Remember one had betrayed you, another denied you and all had abandoned you. Despite your clear and repeated message to them that the Messiah was going to be killed and then rise from the dead they didn’t listen and were now hiding away in fear and confusion.
From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.
So what will be your first words to them? “You stupid, dumb lot, did you not listen to a single thing I said? Well you don’t deserve me but sadly you’re all I’ve got. I want you you to go now and seek revenge amongst the priests and pharisees and all those who called out for my crucifixion. They need to learn a lesson.” Not at all Jesus’ first words were “Peace be with you” restoring them and reassuring them of his continued love. He then commissioned them to go out into the world not for revenge but to forgive. He also equipped them with the Holy Spirit for the task he was giving them.
Jesus resurrection changes history. Acts records the first hand testimony of the first Apostles who had witnessed this. It was transformative. The resurrection brought into everyday experience the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand. With it heaven starts to break out on earth. One day it will be fully realised. We are called to live in this truth. The Kingdom here but not yet fully realised.
This is the reassurance for us. However badly we have misunderstood and messed up Jesus approaches us with mercy and forgiveness. He restores us and sends us out to bring forgiveness and peace to all people. To cultivate justice, righteousness, kindness, love of God and hope for the future. To establish pockets of the kingdom of Heaven on earth wherever we go. To be good news. He doesn’t leave us alone to do this but places his Holy Spirit in each one of us.
Our week began with Jesus weeping over a generation who didn’t understand his way. It ends with his followers finally understanding his way and the commission for us to go and follow in the way of Jesus. Like His early believers let us be known not so much as ‘Christians’ but as followers of the way of Jesus.
Jesus, on this most special of days we join with our brothers and sisters across the world and declare “He is risen” “He is risen indeed Hallelujah”
We give thanks for your willingness to lay aside your majesty and come to earth as a helpless child. To live a life as an example to teach us what our heavenly Father is like. Your willingness to give up your life and suffer for us. We rejoice in your resurrection, the victory you have achieved and the hope we can have in you.
Help us, we pray, to be catalysts bringing pockets of heaven here on earth. Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Garden Church